How it all started?
It all started from this Russian programming calculator - MK-61:
...and the guide material from these books:
...and the guide material from these books: articles from couple of magazines. It was possible to type a program with maximum of 99 instructions. I remember playing one game called "Rally". It is funny though. I had only numbers in front of me that meant things like fuel amount, turn, speed, distance. You get information about where you're driving and you set the speed and your steering wheel position, everything else happens in your head. There were many programs that required user to input data and then see the result. Simple programs like amount of days between dates, biorhythm calculations, solving equations, shooting the moving target, controlling the space ship and plane, sea battle, etc. You can find Emulators here, but you have to know Russian letters to be able to program this thing.
Here is a sample "Tamagotchi" program looks like this:
[ип1] [ип1] [ип1] [ип1] [ип1] [с\п] [ипВ] [В^] [2] [0] [-] [Fx>/=0] [19] [8] [0] [0] [1] [3] [Kинв] [С\П] [ипВ] [в^] [1] [+] [пВ] [С\П] [Сх] [ипС] [В^] [1] [0] [-] [Fx>/=0] [35] [ип3] [с\п] [ипD] [В^] [1] [5] [-] [Fx>/=0] [44] [ип3] [с\п] [ип8] [В^] [1] [0] [-] [Fx>/=0] [] [53] [ип3] [сп] [ВО] [ипD] [B^] [2] [-] [ПD] [C/П] [ип6] [ип7] [8] [ВО] [ипС] [B^] [2] [-] [пс] [о] [сп] [ип9] [ипА] [ВО] [ип8] [В^] [3] [-] [п8] [с\п] [ип4] [с\п] [BО] [ипВ] [B^] [10] [-] [Fx>/=0] [93] [ип2] [п1] [ВО]
That is how I introduced myself to programming when I was 13.
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